Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Ok so my entries have been sporatic... I suck.. I have not been writing or blogging in ages... That has got to get better. I am only making myself more aggrivated each day I dont get something on paper. Sooooo Here I am. Monday I go to the dr to get my knee looked at. It has been bothering me for weeks now and i guess it is time to bite the bullet and get the damn thing looked at.


Last week was Liam's 1st birthday. We brought cupcakes and had a little get together on the back porch. that kid is so darn cute.



My birfday is on Sunday. I will be 31 and all we are doing is getting together here at my house. ( I am going to get Mimi to help me tormorrow to clean the house as my birfday present) Nothing exciting but it will be nice to have all my family and a few friends together.


So I amgoing to go I think and take a nap then I will get up this afernoon and write. I did get a copy of the writers book of days and that i think will be a fun tool.. I will also post some psictures of Liam's birfday and the kittens;)




Moonlight shimmers across the open waters of life as we all seek our path. And sometimes we are luck enough to cross paths with those who we will share a deep portion of our lifes with. Dear friends are a blessing and we should guard each one as a precious gift from the Creator. Always watch out for those you love and help them along the path as well as you can. May your path be one of love and happiness and may you never slip into the depths of the waters and loose your trail.

Cassandre WhisperingCrow Hickinbotham