Saturday, August 16, 2008


New days

There have been alot of events in the last few weeks that have kept me from my writing and my journals..

1. New developments int he case against Mimi’s Mom. *chuckle* I have a feeling things will turn out Juuuust fine on that front.

2. New Ink - I got a new tattoo, well actually I had the butterflies for Cheyenne and Mimi added to the flower tattoo that i share with my sister. Pics will be posted asap :-)

3. New Job - I started training for Member services at the Edward Jones YMCA in maryland heights this week. I will be working with Marylynn and so far all the people I have met that work there have been pretty nice so i think I will really enjoy it.

4. New School Year for the Kids. Cheyenne started school on the 14th and Mimi starts on the 18th so there was shopping for clothes and school supplies, then meeting Cheyenne’s teacher and getting her off on her first day of school. Then Monday I get to see Mimi off for her first day. I think this is going to be a good year for them both.

Sooo all in all things are going well here. Knee hurts (diagnosed with arthritis) but tylenol usually knocks that out and if its bad i have vicodin as a backup. Jim is.. Jim. He has not gotten any worse but he has not gotten any better either. I look forward to being able to get him up to work a couple days a week and get him exercising again to try and regain some strength, the PT did him worlds of good so with all the equipment right there there is no reason he cant do what he did there only at the Y and not so stinking expensive. My only stress is figuring out what we are going to do about health insurance come october (hopefully we will get accepted for state assistance on that front) and trying not to strangle all the cats LOL..

All in all though Life is good;)

Chi Hullo Li
