Exclusive Bitten by Books
Contest! Win a Book, Save The World!

I know this is going to break your heart, BUT we have another amazing book contest for you. We are excited to offer up TEN shiny new hardback copies of Jim Butcher’s Turn Coat
book 11 in the Dresden Files series that just released on 4/7/09! Penguin Publishing is sponsoring this amazing giveaway here at Bitten by Books! For the next week you can enter everyday to win one of these copies for your very own. The contest is open to readers worldwide.

Learn more about Jim Butcher here:
Read reviews of the author’s work here.
To visit the author’s website go here.
To visit the author’s blog go here.
Readers, here’s how to enter the contest. You can do ONE or ALL of these things, and each one will give you additional entries at a chance to WIN. We will be giving away TEN brand new hardback copies of Jim Butcher’s latest release Turn Coat
! Book 11 in the Dresden Files series. The contest IS open to readers worldwide.
Please note, the prize stated IS the prize you will receive, there will be absolutely no substitutions or changes the prize is non-transferable. If you don’t want the prize being offered, please don’t enter the contest. If you ever win an electronic copy of a book, please note that it is ILLEGAL to forward, give away or copy it in anyway once you receive it. Doing so violates copyright. If we find out that it has been done, you will no longer be eligible to win any of our contests.
1. The easiest way to enter is by purchasing copies of any of Jim’s books in any format! Yep, it is true, if you purchase Jim’s by using this link HERE:
Jim Butcher’s Amazon store
You will get SIXTY entries to the contest for EACH copy you purchase in ANY format from AMAZON.
Books in the Dresden Files series in the order they should be read:
Storm Front
Fool Moon
Grave Peril
Summer Knight
Death Masks
Blood Rites
Dead Beat
Proven Guilty
White Night
Small Favor
Turn Coat
It is NOT mandatory to purchase anything to enter the contests, there are plenty of other ways to enter and win. Just email me a copy of your purchase receipt to racoo.smith @ gmail.com (no spaces). Sorry no faxes or snail mail copies.
2. In order to be entered into this contest the ONE thing you ALL have to do is leave a comment telling us who your favorite Dresden Files character is and what your favorite scene is and the book title it can be found in. No talking = no entries! You can come by EVERY DAY through 4/20/09 and comment for more entries. Good for 10 entries.
3. Buy ANYTHING from Amazon today THROUGH 4/20/09 by using the Amazon search box on the right hand side of our site. We will know if you used the box to search and buy, so please be sure to use it or your entries won’t count. Send me a copy of the receipt VIA email (sorry no faxes or snail mail) for your purchase to: racoo.smith @ gmail.com (no spaces). Good for 20 entries per item purchased.
4. Stop by Bitten by Books and meet Jim Butcher on Wednesday April 29th! Have your questions ready for a live interactive Q&A session with him. Mention you heard about the event from this contest. Good for 20 entries.
5. Spread the word FAR AND WIDE by copying and pasting this blog post in it’s ENTIRETY to your blog, groups etc. You must include the entire post and include the contest banner at the top of the page. Then come back here and show us the links to where you promoted this event and Jim’s interview in this post. Good for 25 entries PER place you post it.
6. SUBSCRIBE to the Bitten by Books newsletter here on the right hand side of the site. This is for new subscribers only. Be sure you VERIFY your subscription, an email is sent with the verification link. Unverified subscribers will not be entered and will be deleted from the mailing list. Good for 10 entries.
7. Spread the word, the more places you post the event, the more entries you get. Post the link to the event / contest today (http://bittenbybooks.com/?p=6046) at another blog, website, Myspace, Ning Group, Facebook, Yahoo Group, Goodreads, Shelfari (any group where it is appropriate). You MUST come back here to this interview and post those links in one response here in this thread. Good for 10 entries per place you post the link to this event.
NOTE: if you post multiple links here, your post will not show up right away. If you don’t see it, don’t keep posting it, we WILL approve your entry later on in the day.
8. Add us as your friend on
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=59929467915
Good Reads: http://www.goodreads.com/bitten_by_books
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/bittenbybooks
Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php?id=614064436
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BittenbyBooks be SURE to tweet us after you follow so we can count your entry! @BittenbyBooks
Be sure to mention that you are friending us for this contest so we know to enter you! Good for 10 entries per place you friend us.
9. Be friends with Jim by joining him here:
Newsletter: http://www.jim-butcher.com/list/
FORUM: http://www.jimbutcheronline.com/bb/
Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=21815260791
Good for 10 entries each place you friend her on. Please send the confirmation emails to racoo.smith @ gmail.com (no spaces) for each of these places as proof of friendship and to get your entries.
10. Twitter and ask your friends to re-tweet the URL for this event be SURE to include us in your tweet @BittenbyBooks http://bittenbybooks.com/?p=6046. Good for 10 entries each day you tweet it.
11. Add Jim’s website and blog to your blog roll or links page: http://www.jim-butcher.com/
Good for 10 entries for each place you post each link.
12. Add Bitten by Books to your blog roll or links page: http://bittenbybooks.com if you leave our link up permanently you will always be entered into our contests automatically. Just be sure to stop by each contest we hold and leave the link to where it is so we can give you your entry! Good for 10 entries.
13. Email ALL of your friends and invite them to come by this week be sure to copy me on your email racoo.smith @ gmail.com (no spaces)! If your fiends come and post here and say you sent them, they get FIVE entries and you get TEN entries! They have to tell us who you are so we know who to give the entries to. You can invite as many people as you want and get all the extra entries! We do NOT use any emails we receive for anything other than the contest entries. Once they are counted the emails are deleted.
14. Join the The Blood Bank the Bitten by Books Community! here: http://bittenbybooks.ning.com/ then come back here and tell us your user name. Be sure to post something about yourself on your blog there. Good for 10 entries
The contest ends on 4/20/09 at 11:59 pm PDT and the winners will be contacted the following week. You will receive your prize directly from Bitten by Books. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR FIRST AND THE INITIAL OF YOUR LAST NAME as well as a valid email where we can contact you. REMEMBER the more things you do, the more entries, the greater the chances of winning.
1. If you aren’t interested in receiving the prize, offered please do not enter the contest.
2. You have THREE days from the day the I contact you to claim your prize by sending your name/mailing address to me. Failure to contact me will forfeit your prize. BBB can at that time, choose either to re- award the prize to another entrant or not.
3. The prize stated IS the prize you will receive, there will be no substitutions, trades or changes. No exceptions. Please do not ask. If for some reason you do not wish to claim your prize, please let me know as soon as possible. We have the option to re-award it or not.
4. Contest is open to readers worldwide. The prize is shipped directly from Bitten by Books.
5. Bitten by Books is in NO way responsible for the prizes being offered in any of the contests. If for some reason a contributor does not honor their prize, there is nothing we can or will do about it. We are not worried that this will happen, but we want to be very clear that WE are not offering these prizes, the contributor is and it is their responsibility to fulfill their prize obligations.
6. These rules are subject to change or be modified without prior written notice.
7. Contest is void where prohibited.
8. By entering this contest you are agreeing to our terms of entry