March 16th 2009 at 3:15 pm.
My life turned upside down at that moment. My husband Jimmy Kent Rabidwolf Hickinbotham passed on from this life and moved west to the Happy Lands.For those of you that did not know him, he was a wonderful man who made my life brighter from the moment I met him. For those of you who did know him, you know he was a cranky a**hole at times but that never diminished the joy he brought to my life.
A Memorial Service will be on Friday March 20th. I will post the time tomorrow after I get everything set up. The services will be in Missouri (email me if you want specifics to attend).
After the memorial his body will be cremated and I along with members of his family of choice will be taking his ashes to Mississippi to spread over the Mother Hill at Nanaha Wyah.
At the time of the cremation traditional song and prayer will be sent up from Oklahoma, from a traditional friend who has agreed to tend tho the ceremony for me.
At this time I can honestly say I am completely numb. I am sure things will sink in over time but for now I am just planning to get things set up then I will be able to mourn him from there.
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