Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Funeral Arrangements
4:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Kriegshauser West Mortuary
9450 Olive Blvd
Olivette MO 63132
The memorial service will begin at 7:30. It is going to be an informal memorial. If you have something you want to share feel free to. But It is not anything set. This is a time for family and friends to say goodbye to Jim and to be there for each other.
After the services Jim will be cremated. Next week I will be taking him to Mississippi to the Ancestral home of the Choctaw to disperse his ashes and lay him to rest with his ancestors, as he wished it.
Anyone who wants to go with us to Mississippi is welcome to accompany us. All I ask is that you be respectful while we are on tribal grounds.
THank you all for your concern and condolances. I am doing alright. Right now I am more numb than anything else but I am working through everything and will be alright.
Thank you
Cassie WhisperingCrow Hickinbotham
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Broken Hearted and Numb
March 16th 2009 at 3:15 pm.
My life turned upside down at that moment. My husband Jimmy Kent Rabidwolf Hickinbotham passed on from this life and moved west to the Happy Lands.For those of you that did not know him, he was a wonderful man who made my life brighter from the moment I met him. For those of you who did know him, you know he was a cranky a**hole at times but that never diminished the joy he brought to my life.
A Memorial Service will be on Friday March 20th. I will post the time tomorrow after I get everything set up. The services will be in Missouri (email me if you want specifics to attend).
After the memorial his body will be cremated and I along with members of his family of choice will be taking his ashes to Mississippi to spread over the Mother Hill at Nanaha Wyah.
At the time of the cremation traditional song and prayer will be sent up from Oklahoma, from a traditional friend who has agreed to tend tho the ceremony for me.
At this time I can honestly say I am completely numb. I am sure things will sink in over time but for now I am just planning to get things set up then I will be able to mourn him from there.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Tired but getting better
For those of you that I have not laready text messaged, emailed or talked to on the phone Jim was taken to the hospital last night due to extremely high blood sugar and shortness of breath. He is currently in the ICU at St Johns Mercy in St Louis. He is stablilzing, his blood sugar is back down in the 130 to 150 range (as opposed to the 450 and 500 range where it was last night). He does have a pulminary embalysm. (a blood clot in his lungs). Fortunately it is under control and he is on a blood thinner to get things cleared out. He will be in the hospital for a few days most likely, definately for at least the next 48 hours. Sooooo. He is stabilized for the most part and he is in a great hospital, and the staff is letting me stay with him in the ICU room. So Here i sit, watching him sleep and helping out the nurces where I can. And thankfully they have wireless so i can do something to keep my brain from flipping out LOL.
All will be well and we are going to be alright just keep us in your prayers.
I will update as I can.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Author Contest - Friends - and Cool Stuff.!!

The Last First Book We Ever Wrote
Hello there! My name is Bree, and I’m one half of the romance-writing, virtual-crime-fighting duo known as Moira Rogers. I’m here today because Bitten by Books was kind enough to agree to help us celebrate something really exciting that only comes once in an author’s lifetime: the release of the first book we ever wrote.
Awesome, right? We sure think so! Of course, the part that takes a little bit of explaining is the part where Crux is, in fact, our sixteenth ebook to be released. A lot has happened to us since fall of 2007, when we first sat down to try and tell the story of Mackenzie and Jackson, the heroine and hero who have to fight an evil supernatural conspiracy spanning generations to win their chance at a happy ending. We scampered off to hone our craft on short stories and novellas and learned from our experience. But we always came back to this story, because in the end we loved our tough determined heroine and her smooth talkin’ detective hero too much to leave alone.
Today, in honor of Crux’s release, we’ve teamed up with Bitten by Books for a chance to make someone else just as excited as we are. We have in our possession a NEW Apple iPod touch 8 GB (1st Generation) (Retail Value $229.00), perfect for listening to music AND reading books through the awesome application Stanza. The Apple iPod touch 8 GB also holds 1,750 songs or 10 hours of video. Go here
to read all about it. We’re also going to give $50.00 and $25.00 Visa Gift Cards to two lucky runners up! All you need to do is read the rules below and enter this awesome contest. And if you happen to pick up a copy of Crux, we hope you’ll love Jackson and Mackenzie as much as we do!
Book Excerpt: “Jackson Holt makes a decent living as a private investigator in New Orleans, home of one of the largest underground supernatural populations in the United States. He and his partners have never met a case they couldn’t crack…until a local bar owner asks him to do a little digging on her newest hire.
New Orleans is the fourth destination in as many months for Mackenzie Brooks, a woman on the run from a deranged stalker. After all, any man who shows up on her doorstep claiming to be her destined lover has more than a few screws loose. But crazy doesn’t explain why he always finds her no matter how far she runs.
When her well-meaning boss puts a PI on her case, Mackenzie comes face to face with the incredible truth: magic is real, and whatever spell has kept her hidden and separate from the paranormal world is rapidly deteriorating.
With time running out, she has no choice but to trust Jackson as he struggles to uncover the truth of her past-and her destiny.”
Thursday, March 05, 2009
RE: Cheyenne's first art showing
-----Original Message-----here is the link to the album of pics of cheyennes first (i think of many) art showings. :) The drawing with the dragon is hers :)
From: Cassie WhisperingCrow []
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 11:22 PM
To: Dona Bishop (; Bryan Welmon; Jim Hickinbotham; Roger Zucker; Cheryl Hermann; Alejandra Lovera; Brenda Robinson; cgsixkiller; waktame; Maranda; Eddie Grotpeter; Sami; SaraJane; Jena Miller (; Susan Kain; Kelly Kain; Jessica Everett; Joseph O'Reilly; Juan Gonzalez; Angie Golzolas; kathleen O'Reilly; Keith Murphy; Nene Thomas; Neshoba (; Rachel Smith; Tami Winbush; Terry and Patty; 1 Cassie
Subject: Cheyenne's first art showing
cannot tell i am a bit proud of her can ya LOL. ;)
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
RE: Cheyenne's first art showing
Angela Gonzalez
10302 Niblic Dr.
Overland, MO 63114-2245
tel: 314-428-7193
mobile: 314-497-2721
From: Cassie WhisperingCrow []
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 10:22 PM
To: Dona Bishop (; Bryan Welmon; Jim Hickinbotham; Roger Zucker; Cheryl Hermann; Alejandra Lovera; Brenda Robinson; cgsixkiller; waktame; Maranda; Eddie Grotpeter; Sami; SaraJane; Jena Miller (; Susan Kain; Kelly Kain; Jessica Everett; Joseph O'Reilly; Juan Gonzalez; Angie Golzolas; kathleen O'Reilly; Keith Murphy; Nene Thomas; Neshoba (; Rachel Smith; Tami Winbush; Terry and Patty; 1 Cassie
Subject: Cheyenne's first art showing
here is the link to the album of pics of cheyennes first (i think of many) art showings. :) The drawing with the dragon is hers :)
cannot tell i am a bit proud of her can ya LOL. ;)
Cheyenne's first art showing
cannot tell i am a bit proud of her can ya LOL. ;)