Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Great New Toys and Theories

Ok so this software is the shit. I am able to post to my book review sites with no problems as well as being able to multi post from one nifty little software. I highly recommend Zoundry Raven for anyone who is actively blogging ;)

100_7473.JPGAnd Just for Fun This is a picture of my Boxer LeiLani and my Desert Lynx Flip.. One Brave Kitty to sleep so close to a boxer butt ;)

Ok So its 6 am. i am wide awake - up since midnight. I am gonna go get some more work done then curl up and take a nap. I really am starting to turn into a vampire lOL ;)



New Toys and Fresh Perspectives

So I think I have found the solution to my posting needs. This software Zoundry Raven is great. I can do all I need to do for the YGR site and can still play and post on my own blogs. and I can post to multiple blogs at the same time..

If this works as well as I think it does I am going to be set.

Totally Awesome ;)