Sunday, September 04, 2011

Fine Weather and Happy Critters


A happy little squrrel playing in the back yard.


Today was a great day for weather. I hope ot continues for a few more days.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Playing Around :)

Ok so I am offically wiped out. too much time at the computer today I think. I am cutting out for the night and will be back tomorrow to bore you to tears with my quest for the perfect blogging software.. LOL

Testing the oldie but goodie

Ok So I am back to my Zoundry Raven... I am hoping that the reinstall of the software will keep it from messing up anymore....

So here is a picture of my cousins back yard from our trip to colorado in 2009. That was an awesome trip.

Test 5

easter 1Ok So I am fiddling with this software from microsoft… not sure yet if it does what I want or not. I do not like that it shows my template for the blog.It is still up in the air if this is the one I want. I wish I could figure out why my Raven is not working right. may go back to it still. dunno.

Testing 4

I am working to see if windows live writer will do what I am looking for now…HepMeeee

Test 2

OK I AM TESTING THIS SOFTWAREGargoyle_by_SweetTheSting78

Testing a new software

Ok so I am on the hunt for a blogging software that works well and keeps my pretty formatting with my review site posts so I am trying this one out.

Powered by Qumana

Thursday, February 24, 2011

50 Photos in 50 days Day 2

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

My sister. We have not always been as close as we are now but we have always been there for eachother.

Day 2.jpg

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

50 Pictures in 50 Days

I have decided to participate in the 50 pictures in 50 days challenge on facebook. I will also be carrying this over to my blogs to share with those odd people who are not on facebook

Here is Day One:

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts.

1. My favorite color is purple

2. I am an animal lover (5 cats and 3 dogs)

3. I love to wander around in the woods....

4. I love flowing skirts and corsets.

5. I am a widow.

6. I am the youngest child.

7. I want a pony! Well a horse actually and a farm.

8. I enjoy helping people with their problems.

9. I am a recovering Alcoholic (9 years sober)

10. I am afraid of the dark

Day 1.jpg