Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tired but getting better

For those of you that I have not laready text messaged, emailed or talked to on the phone Jim was taken to the hospital last night due to extremely high blood sugar and shortness of breath. He is currently in the ICU at St Johns Mercy in St Louis. He is stablilzing, his blood sugar is back down in the 130 to 150 range (as opposed to the 450 and 500 range where it was last night). He does have a pulminary embalysm. (a blood clot in his lungs). Fortunately it is under control and he is on a blood thinner to get things cleared out. He will be in the hospital for a few days most likely, definately for at least the next 48 hours. Sooooo. He is stabilized for the most part and he is in a great hospital, and the staff is letting me stay with him in the ICU room. So Here i sit, watching him sleep and helping out the nurces where I can. And thankfully they have wireless so i can do something to keep my brain from flipping out LOL.

All will be well and we are going to be alright just keep us in your prayers.

I will update as I can.