Friday, July 18, 2008

Cheyenne's direct dial VRS number.

Ok so this is a direct number you can dial that will connect you to an interpreter then to cheyenne’s Sorenson video phone in her room.

For the time being if you want to call her please call me first so I can 1 make sure she is home and 2 switch the tv over to the phone feed. Cheyenne is still learning how to do everything with it.

This is Cheyenne and her kitten Muffin by the way LOL.

Ok Cheyenne’s Direct dial number is 1-866-679-6503



Moonlight shimmers across the open waters of life as we all seek our path. And sometimes we are luck enough to cross paths with those who we will share a deep portion of our lifes with. Dear friends are a blessing and we should guard each one as a precious gift from the Creator. Always watch out for those you love and help them along the path as well as you can. May your path be one of love and happiness and may you never slip into the depths of the waters and loose your trail.

Cassandre WhisperingCrow Hickinbotham